Best Places in Lakeland to Take Photos

Picking a location in Lakeland can be daunting if you don’t know where to look, here’s our list of the best places to go for your photos! Whether you are getting engagement photos taken, family photos, or just a special occasion, Lakeland has lots of great options! Here’s some of our favorites!

Lake Mirror and Downtown Lakeland

If you are looking for an urban feel, downtown Lakeland is going to be a winner for you! Downtown is clean, quaint, and has lots of variety! Within a short walk, you can get lots of different backdrops.

There are so many good spots to pick as a starting point in downtown and work off of. City hall, Munn Park, or even The Joinery would be a great starting point, or at an event you enjoy, like the Saturday morning market. We can use these things to incorporate into your photos to make them all about you, like getting your favorite ice cream or sharing your favorite drink!

If you still want to be urban, but not surrounded by so many people, Lake Mirror is one of the best spots to get those tall buildings in the background and still be away from the hustle and bustle of downtown!


  • Lots of variety!
  • Lake Mirror gives great urban building backdrop and lots of open space
  • Tons of options depending on what you like to do or what you want your photos to look like


  • Can get busy, you may end up with people in the background
  • Challenging if you have small children that get distracted easily
  • Have to start earlier if we go downtown because it gets dark in the shadows of the buildings faster

Lake Parker Park

If you are looking to focus more on nature and lots of greenery, Lake Parker Park is beautiful, and its right in the middle of Lakeland! It has a little bit of everything! If you want the water in your photos like this beach session, but you don’t want to drive all the way out to the beach, this is a great way to work the water into your photos! Winding paths, greenery, fields, and lakes make this park a great choice for any kind of photo session. With so much space to spread out, there’s hardly ever to many people wandering around and finding a good spot is easy!


  • Lots of space to spread out in the open fields and on the many paths
  • Not too many people around, so no large crowds in the background!
  • Lots of shade to keep us cool!


  • Not a ton of variety, mostly green spaces with no change in scenery
  • It can be a long walk to get from one side of the park to the other

Lake Morton

Swans resting at Lake Morton, one of the best places in Lakeland for photos

We all know that Lakeland is known for the swans! This is one of our absolute favorite Lakeland spots. We frequently drive up to Lake Morton just to feed the ducks and relax.

The chill environment is amplified with a coffee from Black and Brew! The coffee shop itself is a cute spot to take photos, which can add some great variety to your gallery! The Lake itself is always so beautiful and reflects the sky, which is a beautiful sight at sunset. Lake Morton is definitely one of the best places in Lakeland to take photos!


  • Classic Lakeland: Lakes and Swans!
  • Lots of variety to add to your photo gallery, with the coffee shop, library, and lakeside houses!
  • Not usually busy, so no crowds in your photos


  • Ducks always assume you have food, so you will definitely be followed by ducks
  • Limited Parking at busy times, you may have to search for a few minutes to find a spot

If you have another spot in mind, or if you need some more help deciding, don’t hesitate to fill out our contact form! We are always available to chat to figure out where you want to do your session!

June 28, 2022

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